Los jugadores de fútbol reaccionan a Rodri ganando el Balón de Oro sobre Vinicius Jr.

Los jugadores de fútbol reaccionan a Rodri ganando el Ballon d'Or sobre Vinicius Jr. Me gusta el video o suscribirse nos ayudaría mucho 🙂 ¡Gracias por su apoyo! Suscríbase a este canal para obtener más videos como este 🙂 ____________________________________ Correo electrónico Contacto: sommmityt@gmail.com Introducción: Track: Lost Sky – Lost Sky [NCS Release]
Música proporcionada por NocopyrightSounds. Reloj: descarga gratuita / transmisión: outro -zon: pista: warriyo – mortales [NCS Release]
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Música proporcionada por NocopyrightSounds. Reloj: descarga gratuita / transmisión: outro -zon: pista: warriyo – mortales [NCS Release]
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27 comentarios en “Los jugadores de fútbol reaccionan a Rodri ganando el Balón de Oro sobre Vinicius Jr.

  1. @timileyinkabir8034

    I don’t know why the sudden change in Madrid earlier this season, every one was backing Bellingham before now and the guy deserves it more, Vinicius was not even consistent too, a player that missed around 12 or 14 matches in la liga last season out of 38 matches same as champions league too, what do you expect?

  2. @timileyinkabir8034

    I don’t know why the sudden change in Madrid earlier this season, every one was backing Bellingham before now and the guy deserves it more, Vinicius was not even consistent too, a player that missed around 12 or 14 matches in la liga last season out of 38 matches same as champions league too, what do you expect?

  3. @Chewy_Suarez

    This is the most crybaby generation ever, Henry lost 3 ballon d'ors and I didn't see all the Arsenal and French players crying, even if there was no social media back then, they're acting like if Vini got murdered or something

  4. @NathanPickett-l8y

    So when it’s rigged people will complain then when it’s not people will complain they just cant win no matter who they give it to half the world will have an opinion that effects absolutely no one other than themselves 😂 and vini didn’t deserve anyway he’s an amazing footballer Yh with a shit attitude It’ll get u know we’re in life as he’s learning the hard way maybe they don’t want to give a player like that something as big as a ballon dor it’ll tarnish its reputation as for it’s future reputation and gives a negative impression on all the youngsters that’ll look up the the winner of it Rodri won multiple trophies had an amazing season with country and club and probably had one the most positive attitudes on the pitch all in total he’s a player to look up to vini is the player u do opposite off

  5. @Frost6662

    Rodri is so humble he mocked Vini when he won it,and just won because rhe journalists voted him "for being a good person and completing school" i thought this was about football,maybe i was wrong

  6. @erikiversen1828

    Wtf. People act like Vini died. Big babies! And they say Fifa have an agenda against RM? Wtf. Modric have won Ballon Dor, Benzema and Ronaldo. Så stop whining. It is so cool to see midfielders/defenders get recognized aswell!

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