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En la tienda online de Camisetas de fútbol tenemos todas las camisetas de tus equipos y selecciones favoritas en tallas para adulto y niño. Últimas noticias de fútbol de hoy para mantenerte al día de todo lo que pasa con tu equipo, jugador o competición favorita en cualquier parte del mundo.

Appreciate this type of long form football video essay.
You deserve so much more subs dude
So it’s always been a joke. Cool
I just wanted to comment to say your videos are exceptional. I see videos like this getting 100X more views. I really hope you keep making these as you will find success. Thank you for providing this high quality free content without clickbate or dumbing things down and let us know if we can support in any way.
Your videos are always quality, deserve way more subscribers than you’ve got, keep it up!!!!
I like the fact that its always been a natural cycle in Football for Greats to retire or lose their prime form and the public being disappointed at the lower quality of the new era. It's always going to be hard for people to accept that they will never see a footballer like Ronaldo, Messi, Cruyff or Beckenbauer ever again
New subscriber here! Could you make a video about the actual deserving footballers who should’ve won Ballon D’or if the European rule never existed? Surely Pele and Maradona would have a couple
You keep blessing the FYT spectacle with these long videos, thank you