Cristiano Ronaldo, el mejor jugador del mundo. Discurso y reacción de Messi y Neymar.
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Look at maradonna and u will know how much he is pure deep inside
I hate messi
And i like Ronaldo Nazrio
And i also like neymar
I love ronaldo because im ronaldo's fan
Cr7 has unbelievable respect
"I know I have fans all over the world"
Attitude Cristiano Ronaldo I like
Can I use this clip for an edit
The reason Maradona only said Crister Ronaldo is because he doesn't understand English that's why R9 said 'and the winner is' if you didn't know.
That kiss
Cristiano Ronaldo greatest of all time
We love

rof rof
Why Ronaldo kissed his son on the lips thats not right at all
Earned not given
Top boy
"Definition of Confidence"
Cafu on the back still smiling on ronaldo
Neymar omg so handsome
Harry kane is there as well
He's the first one on the screen than Leo and neymar
I just got lost in Neymar’s eyes

ronaldo is goat messi short
A Brazilian and Argentine legend announcing award for someone who won over a Brazilian and Argentine. CR7
This idoiot talks alot

"Ronaldo taking Messi and Neymar's name during his winning speech"

Messi and Neymar :
Why did he kiss his son on the lips tho
you can hear some people poo cristiano. they will always hate and wish he fall. and now that he did they are dancing on his grave
Christian Ronaldo is a Hard work guy everything ……he hard work also an education I mean the English language he learnt he die hard…..thump up Goes to Cr7 always.

Waiting to listen : siuuuuuuuu

Neymar:I'm the best player ever.
Messi:WHAT THE FUCK!!!they have to be respect me all the time.

I feel bad for neymar I can feel he's pain